More than 8,000 students each year have experiences through the Rotary Youth Exchange. Students who experience exchange programs are ambassadors, sharing with people they meet about our country, culture, and ideas.  We can help bring the world closer – and make some good friends in the process.  It’s the opportunity of a lifetime. 

  • LONG-TERM EXCHANGE—Be an ambassador for Putnam HS
    Students spend the school year staying with 1 to 4 different families.  A hosting Rotary Club in the country is responsible for providing suitable host families and school arrangements.  Most schools do not require any previous knowledge of their language.  Our district has 70 inbound and outbound students every year!

    Summer exchanges are family to family.  Students’ family hosts a student of the same sex for the same period of time during the summer, then travel to the 2nd country.  Applicants pay only for the insurance and the cost of the airfare.

  • BE A HOST  FAMILY—Opening your home to the children of the world
    Our District has one of the best Rotary Youth Exchange Programs in the world!  We have established guidelines for your family and the exchange student to have the most successful exchange possible.  Each inbound exchange student has a Country Officer to work with, and inbound students will receive a monthly stipend from the our Club, so you are under no obligation to provide the student with funds.  Our Club will have a counselor for the exchange student that will maintain regular contact.

  • YOUTH PROTECTION—Commitment to the safest possible environment of our students
    It is the duty of all Rotarians to safeguard, to the best of our ability, the welfare of the young people with whom they come into contact.  District 5100 has stringent screening, training, reporting processes and investigation.  ALL allegations of abuse or harassment will be taken seriously.

  • SELECTION AND ORIENTATION PROCESS—Will your passion carry through the interview process?
    Each spring freshman at Rex Putnam will have the opportunity to interview for this great adventure during their junior year.  Both student and parent will participate in the interview.  One student will be selected.  During the student’s sophomore year at Rex Putnam they will gain the time to earn money for extra expenses on their exchange experience.

  • COSTS —You have been selected are you ready for a lifetime experience?
    For less than the cost of a semester in most universities, you can spend a school year in another land as an exchange student.  You will have a stipend from your host club, but there are mandatory health insurance, airfare, conference costs, etc.  Fees are normally around $4,000 to $7,000 depending on the country you are going to.  There are potential grants if you are selected but unable to raise the funds yourself.  Rotary’s philosophy is not to let money get in the way of a student’s experience.

Rotary Youth Exchange

Changing the World, One Friendship at a Time